Indigenous Groups American Samoa

Amerika Samoa

Fausiaina o le Faavae mo se Lumana’i Sili atu

Ua tu’uto atu Amanaki Fo’ou e fesoasoani i tagatanuu talenia i Amerika Samoa, ina ia maua le faamoemoe i lo latou tauiviga e faasaga atu i le ma’i suka.



Aoaoga ma le Alofa

Na mafai ona faatulaga e Amanaki Fo’ou le tatou Polokalama o Aoaoga mo le 12 vaiaso ona o le fesoasoani mai a o tatou paaga i le lotoifale, e tuuina atu ai i tagata Samoa se fuafuaga mo le puipuiga mai le ma’i suka, e tauala mai i aga faavae o loo i le totonugalemu o le tofi o Samoa.

In 2021, 1 of every 5 adults in America Samoa had diabetes
In 2021, the rate of diabetes, per capita, in American Samoa was 20.3%. That is more than 2 times the worldwide rate of 9.8%, per capita.

E 1 mai le 5 tagata matutua i Amerika Samoa sa maua i le ma’ i suka i le 2021. 

O le fua faatatau o le ma’ i suka i Amerika Samoa i le 2021, mo tagata ta’ito’atasi, e
20.3%. Ua sili atu lea i le fua faatatau o le lalolagi atoa, mo tagata ta’ito’atasi, e 9.8%

Puna’oa o le Ma'i Suka Amerika Samoa

A Story of Hope
Diabetes Testimonials from American Samoa
Life Perspective From an Amputee
Polynesia Lesson 1: Beginning the Journey
Polynesia Lesson 2: Diabetes Explained
Polynesia Lesson 3: My Body is a Temple
Polynesia Lesson 4: All Foods Are Not Created Equal
Polynesia Lesson 5: Water is Life
Polynesia Lesson 6: Brain Health
Polynesia Lesson 7: My Heritage; My Culture
Polynesia Lesson 8: Spread the Mat
A Story of Hope
Diabetes Testimonials from American Samoa
Life Perspective From an Amputee
Polynesia Lesson 1: Beginning the Journey
Polynesia Lesson 2: Diabetes Explained
Polynesia Lesson 3: My Body is a Temple
Polynesia Lesson 4: All Foods Are Not Created Equal
Polynesia Lesson 5: Water is Life
Polynesia Lesson 6: Brain Health
Polynesia Lesson 7: My Heritage; My Culture
Polynesia Lesson 8: Spread the Mat

E Mana’omia Oe i le Lumana’i

O le alaga’oa sili, o le tatau lea ona tatou fafauina se lumana’i e tafi’esea ai le ma’i suka. Pe o le faia o sau foaʻi, ofoina atu o lou taimi, poo le fesoasoani e faalauiloa i luga o upega o faamatalaga, matou te manaʻomia oe e avea o se totino o lenei auaunaga alofa i le lalolagi atoa.


E lē galo lau foa’i


O Paaga maoa’e e fua mai ai galuega lelei


Mana’omia: Volenitia loto tele ma lima fesoasoani

Dr. Rob Ferguson

Chair of Treatment Team

Co-founder of ‘Amanaki Fo’ou’ with wife Andrea Ferguson

Since 2013, Rob Ferguson has been working with ministries of health, medical professionals, government leaders, and hospital and clinic staff to address the management, treatment, and education on the sequelae of diabetes. Rob is a reconstructive surgeon and hospital system medical officer with Intermountain Health (based in Salt Lake City, UT). His focus includes training teams on surgical management of diabetic complications as well as working with local teams to recruit volunteer specialists to meet their goals and needs.



Rob graduated from Brigham Young University prior to obtaining his medical degree from the University of Virginia. His surgical and specialty training programs include the University of Kentucky, MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX), and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Taipei, Taiwan). He obtained a masters in business administration from the University of Utah.