Interventions Healthy Cooking
Healthy Cooking
A Recipe for Change
In the past century, instead of eating locally-sourced produce, fish, game, and poultry, many indigenous communities were pressured into adopting Euro-centric diets heavy on processed meats, carbs, sugary drinks, and large portions. ‘Amanaki Fo’ou is reversing this trend through cooking classes and educational programs that encourage locals to return to a more traditional diet, and teach how to prepare healthy meals with sensible portions.

Eating the Rainbow
Our approach to nutrition focuses on several key principles. First, the closer to the source we can get for our food the better, with our own gardens being the ideal. Second, the variety of colors on our plate is a good indication of how nutritious our meal is, so we encourage a brilliant spectrum of fresh fruit and vegetables in every recipe.

Healthy Cooking Intervention Resources
We Need Your Help
Whether you’re giving a donation, spreading the word on social media, or joining us on a medical mission, our success depends on volunteers like you getting involved and making an impact.
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