Interventions Medical Training
Interventions Medical Training
Medical Interventions
Saving Lives and Limbs
For those who already have diabetes, improved medical care makes a dramatic difference in personal health. ‘Amanaki Fo’ou trains local medical professionals to improve the standard of wound-care, anesthesiology, nursing, and collaboration between surgeons and doctors.

Improved care makes a difference.
In one community, ‘Amanaki Fo’ou surgeons worked side by side with local surgeons to supplement training on limb-sparing techniques. They observed hospital stays from diabetic foot sepsis decrease from two months to less than two weeks.
‘Amanaki Fo’ou and local anesthetists worked together to implement techniques that use less gas or IV anesthesia which improves pain control and decreases side effects from anesthesia.
Our medical team trained local nurses to become certified by the National Association of Wound Care, giving them the skills needed to handle the complicated wounds caused by diabetes.
Our medical team trained local nurses to become certified by the National Association of Wound Care, giving them the skills needed to handle the complicated wounds caused by diabetes.

Medical Intervention Resources
We Need Your Help
Whether you’re giving a donation, spreading the word on social media, or joining us on a medical mission, our success depends on volunteers like you getting involved and making an impact.
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